Our Story

It is with a grateful heart that I welcome you to toweltrainer.com. Baseball and the love of the game have always been part of our story. The idea for this business was born years after I had created and used the Towel Trainer. It is only because a faithful and loving wife encouraged me to see how my throwing training tool and my desire to help others could be merged.

When I was six years old, I started playing baseball and since that very day had dreamed of playing at the Major League level. I went on to play college ball at The University of Oklahoma.

In the summer of 2002, the towel drill was introduced to me, while I was playing baseball in the Cape Cod Summer League. The towel drill was a way to practice your mechanics and achieve the reps necessary to make long-term changes in your throwing motion. As a pitcher, I quickly understood the value in this throwing drill and adopted it into my routine.

In 2004, I was drafted in the first round of the Major League Baseball draft by the Toronto Blue Jays. The towel drill continued to be a huge part of my training, whether it was for my pregame warmup or dry work on my off days.

However, there were some things that bothered me about the traditional towel drill. I found the options of taping the towel around your fingers and holding it in between your fingers to be both uncomfortable and inefficient in properly simulating throwing a ball.

During Spring Training in 2008, I created the first Towel Trainer that addressed these issues. The patented design of the Towel Trainer and the Original Grip Handle finally allowed you to practice throwing using any of your grips! This was a huge game changer!

I made my Major League Debut later that April, and continued to train with the Towel Trainer throughout my entire professional pitching career! Wherever I went, it went! And trust me when I tell you that was quite a few places: Toronto Blue Jays, Oakland A’s, Detroit Tigers, Phillies, and the Chicago White Sox organizations… then on to the Dominican Republic and the CPBL in Taiwan.

With each new team, and at every single professional level, I started to notice how my teammates that did towel drills were frequently asking me to borrow The Towel Trainer.
When I shared this with my wife, she encouraged me that if the Towel Trainer was helping that many guys at the professional level, then surely it would be a huge help to many more baseball players, little leaguers and pro guys alike!

Good repeatable throwing mechanics are critical to success at any level! We are so very excited to be able to share Towel Trainer with you and watch you take your game to the next level!

Dream big, You were meant for great things, 
                                                                              Towel Trainer for Towel Drills               
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